Both Dr. Kessler and Dr. Monteleone trained at Level One Trauma Centers, the centers that treat the most serious and complex facial trauma patients.
Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dr. Kessler and Dr. Monteleone are experts in treating and repairing facial injury and trauma, including fractures of the upper and lower jaws and the orbits surrounding the eyes, and facial lacerations. Their knowledge of how jaws come together (dental occlusion) is critical when repairing complex facial fractures, and both have extensive backgrounds in diagnosing and treating jaw and facial fractures.
South Tampa Oral and Implant Surgery uses cutting edge digital technology, the next generation i-CAT ConeBeam 3D Imaging System, to create digital panoramic views in just minutes for quick, efficient and comfortable diagnosis.
This leads to precise treatment plans to repair jaw and facial fractures.
In fact, all of our patients’ surgeries are first planned with a “virtual surgery” on the 3-D iCat using integrated software for precise treatment.
This is just one example of the state-of-the-art-care you will receive at South Tampa Oral and Dental Implant Surgery.